Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Gwe-Chaung Fortress

Gwe-Chaung Fortress

Gwe Chaung Fortress Stone Inscription
       Gwe- Chaung fortress was contructed by France and Italian Engineers; Mr Commotto Peree and Mr Naris cooperated with Myanmar engineers under the guidance of crown prince Kanaung and finished in AD 1863. It is located on the east bank of Ayeyarwady river to stop british invasion along the river. It is one of the biggest fortress during Third Anglo Burmese war. It was three stories fortress. There is another famous fortress: Min Hla fortress, is located diagonal opposite site of Gwe-Chaung , on the west bank. Their aim is to attack British force from the two flanks. But the british made comprehensive investigations about the two fortresses before attack and avoided frontal attacks. The two fortresses was simultaneous occupied by british force with envelopment attacks in a day.
There is an interesting history behind the scence of fortress and I can say visitors those who interesting the history can feel the atmosphere of 18th century battle.
Written and Photo by Aung Thu

The starting place of 2nd dynasty of Myanmar.

The starting place of 2nd dynasty of Myanmar.

       The following two pagodas are located in Taungoo Haung( Old Taungoo), The starting place of 2nd dynasty of Myanmar. Taungoo Haung was founded in AD 1279. At that time Taungoo is under the control of Awa kingdom. 206 years after that, King Min Gyi Nyo founded as an independent Taungoo Kingdom. Then, his son Tabin Shwe Hti and son in law: King Bayin Naung conquered all Myanmar and founded 2nd dynasty which included much of modern-day Burma, Manipur, Laos, Thailand and some part of Chinese Shan states. King Bayin Naung assembled what was probably the largest empire in the history of Southeast Asia.

See Khon Gyi Pagoda built by King Min Gyi Nyo in Old Taungoo

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